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Brain dump on Scheduling

I've brain-dumped a schedule for DC7 based on what I've seen work
elsewhere and what I think would work:


Some highlights:

 * The morning is free for people to sleep, read e-mail, socialise,
   etc.  Early morning talks just don't work, Debconf5 first speakers
   were lucky to get more than a dozen people in them.

 * Day starts with a "Keynote" non-technical talk and ends with an
   "After-dinner" non-Debian talk ("Bdale, tell us a story!")

 * There's more variety of talk style during the day than previous
   debconfs; rather than "talk with slides" after "talk with slides"
   there are talks, Workshops, round-table BOFs, etc.  People write
   according to demand, hopefully this will produce a more fulfilling

 * The schedule expects people to be up until the wee hours of the
   morning, so makes sure they're fed.  The talks and workshops of the
   day are there to inspire the night-time hacking and discussions.

The DC6 people might like to read over it too, to see whether they think
my ideas are any good either <g>

Have you ever, ever felt like this?
Had strange things happen?  Are you going round the twist?

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