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weekly report week 13

lots of stuff happend last week. the most notable is that
linuxNewMedia will sponsor us with one page adds in all their
linux magazines worldwide to thank our sponsors

With that news i approached all the sponsors which did not
committ to anything yet:
Some of these sponsors allready indicated to support us.

they (linuxNewMedia) also gave us contacts at some of their
related companies, which will help us with tshirts and other
merchandise. one suggestion was that we could try to raise money
by advertising an expensive (and high quality, 60Euro or so)
pullover with the debian logo on it, of which we would get 10
Euro per pice. this needs to be discussed with dpl and debian
press team and it is not clear how many we will sell.

i prepared the invoice for ibm and send it to the spi treasurer
to fill in the US-specific details.

i booked a flight for sapphire so he can apply for his visa.
(need to pay for the flight by may 27th!)

collected a lot of logos from new sponsors and send them to our

approached hostway, our t-shirt sponsor, about the rest-money
from the t-shirts. we would like to get the left-over money of
course and i asked if they could reward us for finding such a
good deal (~900$US) by giving us the rest of the money, too. (c:

i wrote a letter to two potential sponsors for otavio, who's
flight would have been extra expensive and passed that letter on
to tbm (DPL) to sign and send.

asked mjray (statistician(?)) to look over the survey of the
talks and debconf as a whole from a statistical p.o.v. 

i still need to find a proper contact at

i need to send sponsorship requests to
Damicon Kraa, http://www.damicon.fi, damicon@damicon.fi
and one other company which i have elsewhere.

lots of these items need follow up work.

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