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Re: legal and financial umbrellar needed


I noticed that DebConf5 might be held (?) in Helsinki next year, which
prompted my attention. I attended debconf3 at Oslo last year with my
friend, and we kind of just blasted towards the conference place once we
noticed one was going on in Oslo. :) And even though we aren't actual DDs or 
so, we had very nice time in there, thanks to everyone who made that
happening. :)

>> Possible umbrella organisations:
>> Linux-aktivaattori 
>> http://www.linux-aktivaattori.org/view/Organization/WebHome
>> - Turku-based but active, has Debian people I think
> great, could some local please investigate? of cause i can also
> contact them from here. Any takers?

Have you contacted anyone yet, or is this whole Helsinki-plan stil
holding? I'm actually a new "member" of that Linux-aktivaattori, more
specially under a working group named "Turuxi", which is a local user
group here in Turku. The mailing list has been a bit quiet now in summer
time, and the chairman Tero Kuusela is in a process of changing ISP so
he might be a bit of out of reach for a few weeks, I'm not sure...

Anyway... I believe atleast one DD is involved there too, as stated, if
I'm not wrong, tv (at) debian.org (Tommi Virtanen), but I haven't had
any contact with him. I could post on the list and probe the feelings
and such, if none of other members aren't reading this list...

I sure would like to be involved somehow, even though I have no idea how
these things work anyway, and I live here in Turku, and perhaps something 
more technical rather than financial would be more 'my bag', so to speak. :D
But, if debconf comes here, I surely will come there as a visitor
atleast. :) 

Henrik Härkönen <harkonen@kortis.to>

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