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Reaching out to sponsors

Hey everybody!

We need to reach out to sponsors in order to secure enough sponsorship money to be able to pay for our speakers, t-shirts, video gear, and if possible coffee breaks and/or lunch (although this will only happen if the other expenses get covered).

Google has already agreed to be a Gold sponsor, and HP is considering it.

I was speaking with a colleague from Bucharest yesterday, and she gave me a list of possible companies in Bucharest that we might want to contact.  Please, if you have contacts at any of these, say so and send the attached PDF to them.

* Intel
* Ixia
* Endava
* Ceragon networks
* Cisco
* 4psa

I'm sure that you can think of many other companies that might be interested in sponsoring, feel free to add them to this list.

Even if your contacts are not "high up", it's worth asking them to give you a contact to the appropriate person, or to forward your mail to them.  However, before doing this, please do coordinate on the list over here, so that we don't contact companies more than once.



Attachment: bucharest2015-sponsorpack.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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