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Re: Schedule in giggity

Hi Wilmer,

First of all, it seems it wasn't gig who hide the talk. I checked the web schedule today for searching for an example, and realized, that it changed from 10.00-01.00 to 10.00-00.00 as currently there are not talk ending after midnight (UTC).

Others inline.

On Mon, Aug 17, 2020 at 1:27 AM Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@gaast.net> wrote:
(Thanks Jelmer for forwarding! I am not on this list, so please include
me on any replies.

First of all, see
https://github.com/Wilm0r/giggity/issues/162#issuecomment-674580497 .
Coincidentally I've been working on this today, since for months already
I thought the moment people look at Giggity again, its lack of tz
awareness will become painfully clear :-)

I'm experiencing that problem too, but my issue is/would have been a different one.
On 16-08-2020 19:51, Attila Szalay wrote:
> Hi, as the schedule of the debconf this year is a bit more international
> than usual, in my timezone there are talks after midnight.
Are you actually seeing any after midnight though by the way? From what
I remember everything in the schedule *does* end before midnight, and
unless you were running an hours-old build from Git, no tz translation
could've happened yet.

Yes, currently it does and but that wasn't the case all the time. And the schedule announcement still talks about the old end times:  https://debconf20.debconf.org/news/2020-08-08-debconf20-schedule-is-up/
So, if the schedule really was changed, then I'm good. But it is not a gig problem by any means.
(Or, are you using the xcal/ical instead of xml file?)

> Unfortunately, for some reason the Giggity client does not presents that
> items at all.
Have you tried search to see whether they're listed under the wrong
date? I wonder whether something weird was happening with day_change
(the bit that makes sure conference days don't need to end at midnight

Maybe related to this, but in the first incarnation (when I first loaded the schedule into Giggity) all events started after midnight was at the beginning of the day, not in the next day/at the end of the day. 
Anyway .. if I throw you an .apk can you test it? For settings
preservation I can sign it though only with the Play Store key, not the
F-Droid one.

Yes, sure. I'm happy to help. I'm using Play Store, by the way.

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