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Re: [Debconf-discuss] So long, and thanks for all the fish

+++ Russ Allbery [2014-08-29 14:38 -0700]:
> Sam Hartman <hartmans@debian.org> writes:
> Thank you very much for the new schedule.  Usually conferences for me are
> an exercise in social energy management, and I was expecting this year to
> be spectacularly bad because I came into the conference with a deficit.
> But having a relaxed schedule and large-sized chunks without talks let me
> retreat and recover and meant that I'm going to be leaving the conference
> more relaxed than I came.

I found more not-talk time meant even _more_ socialising time than
usual, which as you observe can be a bit of a drain for the introverted.

As someone said to me earlier in the week. 'I've used up my whole
socialising allowance for the year already. There's a reason why I
work from home' :-)

So debconf remians pretty intense, but I agree the somewhat-changed
format has worked well.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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