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Re: [Debconf-discuss] Prices?

Steve Langasek:
> On Thu, Jun 05, 2014 at 04:29:14PM +0000, Solveig wrote:
>> I read
>> https://lkuper.github.io/blog/2014/05/31/your-next-conference-should-have-real-time-captioning/
>> yesterday, and there is a conference for which I'd be interested:
>> Debconf, in Portland, August 23-31 [1]. It's a conference about Debian,
>> a GNU/Linux operating system.
>> [1] http://debconf14.debconf.org/
>> So I sent an email to the organizers,
> Erm, not according to my mailbox you didn't?  The organizers are at
> debconf-team@, not debconf-discuss@ :)

Arg, I used the wrong list.
>> and they say it depends on the prices.
> The only response I saw to your mail to debconf-discuss was p2mate saying
> "yes, if you pay for it", which is not at all the same thing as the DebConf
> team saying that DebConf will pay for it depending on the price.

Gunnar Wolf answered and asked me to look the prices, I thought he was
among organizers.
> I have no objection to you looking into this possibility, I just want to be
> clear that there's nothing in the approved DebConf14 budget for this, and
> unless it can be done very cheaply, it seems unlikely to me that we would
> be able to add it in at this late stage of planning.
Well, it's probably too late, but it's still interesting to know how
much it would cost, it's always possible a sponsor wants to improve
Debian's accessibility :) And there seems to be Debconf in the US every
few years, so worst case the information is useful for future organizers.

I had a very nice answer, but no price yet. I'll keep (both, this time)
the lists posted.



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