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[Debconf-discuss] Anyone keen to hike up volcanos?

I've booked my flights to arrive a few days early for debconf (evg of
4th). I intend to go hike up a couple of volcanos/take a look round
generally before getting down to work. If I can find any info I might
try to check out some lava tubes (apparently there are some, but no
known significant 'proper' limestone caves). I can do that solo or
with one or two others if anyone else is keen. If they knew some
spanish that would no doubt make things
(travel/directions/accomodation) easier :-)

Lots of info here:

I'm not sure what happens about accomodation for early arrivals. Penta
tells me I'm too later to register for debcamp now (and if I'm not
actualy there, just touristing, then that's not properly 'attending
debcamp' anyway). I'm hoping I can leave some stuff at debconf in
someone's room, or maybe crash on someone's floor for a night or two.

Suggestions for how this might work are welcome. I don't yet know if
I'm going out for day trips, or going miles away and staying elsewhere

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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