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[Debconf-discuss] [BoF] Test Driven Development in Debian

I've collected some background material for the TDDD BoF [1] as a blog
post [2], which is also attached to this mail. The post also contains a
very brief assessment of the status of the "autopkgtest" package and the
related DEP8 [3].

If you plan to attend the BoF, please have a look and don't hesitate to
follow-up here or in private to me and Tom. If you'd also like to bring
autopkgtest back into shape, we wouldn't mind either :-)).


[1] http://penta.debconf.org/dc11_schedule/events/764.en.html
[2] http://upsilon.cc/~zack/blog/posts/2011/07/Test_Driven_Development_in_Debian/
[3] http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep8/
Stefano Zacchiroli -o- PhD in Computer Science \ PostDoc @ Univ. Paris 7
zack@{upsilon.cc,pps.jussieu.fr,debian.org} -<>- http://upsilon.cc/zack/
Quando anche i santi ti voltano le spalle, |  .  |. I've fans everywhere
ti resta John Fante -- V. Capossela .......| ..: |.......... -- C. Adams
# ... or TDDD and [DEP8](http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep8/)

## context

As a nice byproduct of the huge
["rolling" discussion](http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2011/05/msg00111.html)
we had back in April/May, various people have brainstormed about applying
[[!wikipedia Test-Driven Development]] (TDD) techniques to Debian development.
Here is a brief summary of some opinions on the matter:

* a [seminal conversation](http://identi.ca/conversation/70061026) on identi.ca
* a couple of [blog](http://blog.liw.fi/posts/debian-tdd/)
  [posts](http://blog.liw.fi/posts/debian-tdd-2/) by
  [Lars](http://blog.liw.fi/englishfeed/), discussing the general problem of
  how to use TDD in *distribution* development and — to a lesser extent — its
  instantiation to Debian
* a [separate post](https://www.debian-administration.org/users/dkg/weblog/80)
  by [Daniel](http://debian-administration.org/users/dkg/weblog) stressing the
  specific TDD advantage of increasing the confidence of maintainers in making
  far reaching changes

... and hey, they've also coined the cool **TDDD** acronym, which I hereby took
the freedom to re-target to **Test-Driven Development in Debian**. Having a
cool acronym, we are already half-way to actually having the process up and
running `*g*`.

## more testing

I believe **Debian needs more testing** and I've been advocating for that since
quite a while —
e.g. [at DebConf10](http://penta.debconf.org/dc10_schedule/events/569.en.html),
as one of the main goals we should pursue in the near future. Of course
advocating alone is not enough in Debian to make things happen and that is
probably why this goal has been (thus far) less successful that others we have
put forward, such as
[welcoming non-packaging contributors](http://www.debian.org/vote/2010/vote_002)
as Debian Project members. There are important reasons for increasing testing
in Debian.

### quality assurance

Quality Assurance has always been, and still is, one of the distinctive traits
of Debian. I often say that Debian has a widespread <q>culture of technical
excellence</q> and that is visible in several places: the
[Debian Policy](http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/) *process*,
[lintian](http://lintian.debian.org/), [piuparts](http://piuparts.debian.org/),
periodic full archive rebuilds, the
[EDOS/Mancoosi QA tools](http://edos.debian.net), the cultural fact that
maintainers tend to know a lot about the software they're packaging rather than
only about packaging, the <q>we release when it's ready</q> mantra, etc.
But caring about quality is not a boolean, it's rather something that should be
continuously cherished, refining quality requirements over time. By simply
maintaining the *status quo* in its QA tools and processes, Debian won't remain
for long a distribution who could claim to care about package quality.  Others
*will* catch up and are in fact already doing that.
In particular, we surely have room for improvements in our quality tools and
processes for:
* **Build time package testing.** Several packages run their build-time test
  suites during package build. This aspect is somewhat
  by the Debian policy; we also do a best effort attempt to run build-time test
  [via debhelper](http://manpages.debian.net/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=dh_auto_test)
  (starting from version 7). At the same time we could probably campaign more
  to encourage maintainers to look for build-time test suites which do not
  follow common Makefile target naming or, fwiw, which don't rely on make at
  `TodoList.add("investigate and possibly file bug report against policy to
  encourage maintainers to run build-time test suites")`<br />
  `TodoList.add("investigate and possibly file bug report against lintian to
  spot the presence of [non-invoked] build-time test suites")`
* **Runtime package testing** (AKA "as-installed package testing"). Some kinds
  of test-suites are difficult to run at build-time (e.g. complex applications
  that don't offer easy way to re-configure on the fly their filesystem paths)
  and some others are plainly impossible to run without having the packages to
  be tested properly setup (e.g. running services that are accessible only
  through the network) or an isolated, throw-away [[!wikipedia testbed]]
  (e.g. bootloaders, kernels, etc.). TTBOMK this kind of testing is not
  currently in use neither in Debian nor, indirectly, in any of its
  derivatives.  [[!debpkgsid autopkgtest]] (AKA
  [DEP8](http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep8/)) is a step in this direction; I will
  get back to it later on in this post.
* **Integration testing.** When applied in the context of distributions,
  [[!wikipedia integration testing]] is about testing package combinations,
  task (as in [[!debpkgsid tasksel]]) combinations, basic system
  functionalities, automated installations, etc. This is the aspect that Lars
  has discussed [the](http://blog.liw.fi/posts/debian-tdd/)
  [most](http://blog.liw.fi/posts/debian-tdd-2/) (and in which he seems to be
  *interested* the most) so I don't feel like adding much.
  Still, it's interesting to note that on this front Debian has an important
  potential to exploit. The large base of its developers and the fact that the
  average Debian user is technical savvy mean that we can potentially collect a
  lot of test cases. It's "just" (with well-deserved double quotes) a matter of
  deciding a standard interface for test case submissions and developing a —
  most likely virtualized — test runner. At that point a continuous integration
  service that periodically run and publishes results can be setup
  independently from the rest of the Debian infrastructure and offered to
  interested eyes, such as Release Team's. Any taker?
* **Automated code analysis** and in particular automated bug finding is
  something which is becoming more and more common and — finally, after decades
  of research — viable. Successful proprietary tools and businesses are aplenty
  (a nice and very fun read on the subject is the story of
  as well as FOSS solutions. For instance, the Linux kernel is routinely using
  [Coccinelle](http://coccinelle.lip6.fr/) to
  [automatically find bugs](https://lwn.net/Articles/315686/) and even produce
  the corresponding patches.
  Add to the above the fact that Debian is one of the largest software
  collection in existence (and quite probably *the* largest collection of
  *Free* software in existence) and is upstream of the packaging of that
  software for the most part. That turns Debian into a very peculiar platform
  for large scale automated code analyses. Not that we can aim at fixing all
  the bugs we are going to find, or even hope to tame all the *false positives*
  we are going to find. But we can offer an important service to the whole
  ecosystem of Free software and use it to pinpoint important class of bugs
  from a distribution point of view, such as nasty security bugs (as long as
  they can be automatically found…).
  is a very good step in the right direction, even though it is still in its

### reducing inertia

Inertia is a recurring topic among Debian lovers (and haters). It is often
argued how difficult it is to make changes in Debian, both small and large, due
to several (alleged) hindrances such as the size of the archive, the number of
ports, the number of maintainers that should agree before proceeding with a
cross-package change, etc. It's undeniable that the more code/ports/diversity
you have, the more difficult is to apply "global" changes. But at least for
what concerns the archive size, I believe that for the most part it's just FUD:
simply debunking the
[[self-inflicted culture about how "dangerous" doing NMUs is|hacking/debian/rcbw]]
might go — and has already gone, imho — a long way to fight inertia.
Adding per-package and integration tests will make us go another long way in
reducing inertia when it comes to performing archive-wide changes. Indeed if a
package you are not entirely familiar with has extensive test suites, and if
they still pass after your changes, you can be more confident in your changes.
The barrier to contribution, possibly via NMU, gets reduced as a result. And if
your change will turn out to be bad but still not spot by the test suites, then
you can NMU (or otherwise contribute) again to extend the test suite and make
the life easier for future contributors to that package. It smells a lot like
an useful virtuous cycle to me.

## autopkgtest / DEP8 — how you can help

Of all the above, the topic that intrigues me the most is as-installed package
testing. Work on that front has been started a few years ago by Ian Jackson
when he was working for Canonical. The status quo is embodied by the
[[!debpkgsid autopkgtest]] package. At present, the package contains of various
tools and the following two specs:

1. `README.package-tests` provides a standard format to declare per-package
  tests using the new `debian/tests/control` file. Tests come as executable
  files which will be run — by the `adt-run` tool — in a testbed where the
  package(s) to be tested is already installed.
  This part of the specs has been reified as
  [DEP8](http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep8/) which I'm (supposedly) co-driving
  with Iustin Pop and Ian (for well-deserved credits).

2. `README.virtualisation-sever` describes the interface among the test runner
  and the testbed. A nice separation is provided among the runner and the
  testbed, enabling different testbed environments with a varying degree of
  isolation: you can have a "null" testbed which runs tests on your real
  machines (needless to say, this is highly discouraged, but is provided by the
  `adt-virt-null` tool), a chroot testbed (`adt-chroot`), or a XEN/LVM based
  testbed (`adt-virt-xenlvm`).

The specs allow for several runtime testing scenarios and look quite flexible.
The tools on the other hand suffer a bit of bitrot, which is unsurprisingly
given they haven't been used much for several years. At the very minimum the
following Python development tasks are in need of some love:

* The usage of python-apt needs to be ported to recent API, as several used
  methods and attributes are now gone.
* Porting from dchroot to schroot is needed for the `adt-virt-chroot` backend.
* A kvm backend for the test runner would be nice.

If you are both interested in TDDD and grok Python, the above and many others
tasks might whet your appetite. If this is the case don't hesitate to
[contact me](mailto:zack@debian.org), I'll be happy to provide some guidance.


Note: this post is the basis for the
**[TDDD BoF](http://penta.debconf.org/dc11_schedule/events/764.en.html)** that
I will co-host with Tom Marble at [DebConf11](http://debconf11.debconf.org). If
you plan to come, we will appreciate your thoughts on this matter as well as
your help in getting the `autopkgtest` toolchain up and running again.

[[!tag lang/english planet-debian debian tddd dep8 debconf11]]

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