Re: [Debconf-discuss] Place for camper vans (or tents) near DebConf11?
2011/4/29 Axel Beckert <>:
> Hi,
> On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 10:21:53PM +0200, Adnan Hodzic wrote:
>> > I've been in Banja Luka during the summer for many years, but I can't
>> > recall ever seen a place for putting up a tent, really.
>> I'm going to Banja Luka on Thursday for a meeting with Mayor, do you
>> want me to organize something? To have a spot set up or whatever? Is
>> there need for this as I'm uncertain of how many campers would be
>> there.
> I initially didn't notice that this question went more or less also to
> me, too.
> For now we seem to be two camper vans (Wookey and me). If we have
> access to some toilet rooms and showers, I'd say having a place(*) to
> put the van and a power socket close by (15-50m should suffice) should
> be ok. Close to the venue would be cool. (I imagine something like the
> parking slots in front of the entrance at DebConf9 in Caceres.)
> (*) slightly bigger than normal car's parking slot, like 6m long and
> 3m wide, but it depends a lot on the campervan. They commonly range
> from 5m x 2m to > 7m x 2.3m.
>> > Velimir Iveljic skrev 2011-04-10 14:54:
>> >> I apologize for reacting late, but i was busy last few days.
>> >>
>> >> Regarding camping places, i will have to check with someone from Banja
>> >> Luka and will give you an answer soon!
> Any news here?
Not at the moment. I've sent a mail to everyone in BL i know asking,
but didn't get any answer. Since i had a lot on my mind, i forgot to
ping them again. I'll find out more today/tomorrow.
Sorry for the wait!
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