[Debconf-discuss] Trains to Debconf from Munich, Koeln, Paris, London, Cambridge
This is a reminder about booking horizons. It is much better to book
trains immediately when the bookings open.
Eurostar any already open [0]
German day trains to Munich 22nd July Thu 21st April [1]
Sleeper from Munich to Zagreb 22nd/23rd July Fri 22nd April
Zagreb to Banja Luka Sat 23rd July advance booking unneeded?
Banja Luka to Zagreb Sun 31st July I will buy in person
Sleeper from Zagreb to Munich 31st July / 1 Aug Sun 1st May ***
German day trains to Paris 1 August Mon 2nd May ***
Eurostar any already open[0]
If you are intending to travel out by train you should be thinking
about confirming your plans now.
It would be very helpful if locals or DC organisers could confirm that
it will be reasonably possible to get from Zagreb to Banja Luka if
arriving on the sleeper at 08:40 on Saturday morning.
It would also be helpful if the DC organisers could confirm what
arrangements might be available to travel from Banja Luka to either
Zagreb or Okucani on the 31st of July.
I am willing to book for others for the return trains marked ***
above. See http://wiki.earth.li/DebconfTravel2011/Train for my
planned itinerary. (I'll be on my own for the outward journey.)
If you would like me to book you a ticket on those trains please let
me know by Monday 25th April (to give time for me to confirm and ask
you any questions).
So far I have one person (Joachim Breitner) who would like a place on
the sleeper from Zagreb to Munich, departing 20:09 from Zagreb on
Sunday. Depending on consultations with the railway, and with DC
locals, we may travel from Okucani instead.
[0] It is wise to book the Eurostar at the same time as the other
tickets, in case of timetable changes.
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