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[Debconf-discuss] Debconf runners: Fri 30th morning run report

Quoting Christian PERRIER (bubulle@debian.org):
> Subject says it all. We'll meet at 8am in front of Carman
> building. "Plans" include:

Five of us gathered this morning: marga (Margarita Manterola, maxyz
(Maximiliano Curia), gwolf (Gunnar Wolf) , "imnotonirc" (Noèl Köthe)
and myself.

We went down to 110th-Cathedral Pway, then began the "down to
reservoir" loop which actually begins by climbing Big Hill..:-). We
did so at a 7'-7'30"/km pace that was well suited for everybody (I
hope...:-)). Marga and Maxy left us to complete the loop quietly by
walking around and Gunnar, Noèl and myself completed a full Reservoir
loop, then headed back to 110th-Cathedral PWay by climbing Big Hill
again...and Gunnar completed all this by running. After these initial
7km, Noèl and myself completed the upper loop back to the Reservoir
again and played Marathon Man for another loop around the
Reservoir with a quite decent 5'/km pace....then back (through Big
Hill again) to Columbia for a 14km round trip.

I think we all enjoyed that run whether we are experienced runners or
not...and we hope that more people will join in the upcoming
days. I'll announce our plans tonight.

I want to mention that all of you non New Yorkers who want to do some
sightseeing *have* to go to Central Park down to the Reservoir for a
great view of the lake, the park and downtown Manhattan buildings. See
the blue spot on http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=fr&msa=0&msid=112674109703111277943.00048c8f0429ae50e9be5&ll=40.792759,-73.960004&spn=0.015498,0.037336&t=h&z=15

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