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[Debconf-discuss] Bringing cheese (and wine and.....stuff) for the Cheese and Wine party is very easy

I (along with my son) landed yesterday in NYC. We had about 2.5
kilograms of cheese in our bags.

On the US customs form, we did check the "I bring food" box. So, at
immigration, the guy checking our passports marked the form so that
customs can pay attention....

That was the only "frightening" moment. The person in charge at
customs just asked us "so you declared you bring food"?. Answer: "yes,
we're bringing some French hard cured cheese". Answer from the customs
guy: "OK, you can go, guys".

That's it. No check. No bags opening. No cheese confiscation. Nothing.

So, my advice to all people who haven't packed yet: pack cheese.

Ah, and we also had 5 bottles of wine and 2 bottles of beer spread out
in our two bags, too.

When arriving at Columbia, you may want to find a place to store your
cheese. I still have to, but have been told there are fridges around
in Carman building. Anyway, Michelle (Lynn Hall, who helped a lot in
arranging things for the upcoming Cheese and Wine party) or myself
will be able to help you.

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