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Re: [Debconf-discuss] More questions regarding what to bring for DebConf10 (and other stuff)

On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 01:52:53PM -0300, Rogério Brito wrote:

> Hi.


> > 7 - Again in the "What to bring" section of the welcome page there is a
> >     "your health insurance details". I think that my health insurance is
> >     (perhaps) only valid inside my country. Does this mean that I am
> >     foobar'ed?

Don't know where you're from, but for us European Union members,
travelling outside Europe usually requires an additional health
insurance if you don't want to pay for emergency health care. Which is
quite a lot.

To give you some numbers, a friend of mine travelled the US
last year, collapsed and was treated in a hospital for one week. He got
a heart pacemaker. Overall costs: 40,000 EUR (USD 50,000).

Yesterday, I bought my additional health insurance for DC10. It's
0,50 EUR per day or 9,50 EUR for a full year. (to other Germans:
offered by Sparkasse)

You clearly want to talk to your health insurance if they cover
treatment in the US or if you need to explicitly sign up for this.


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