[Debconf-discuss] Help wanted: SCM plugins for FusionForge
Hi all,
Debcamp is almost over, and I'm pleased to say I'm almost done with
the code refactoring in the CVS and Subversion plugins of
FusionForge. That now opens the way for easy implementation of
plugins for other SCM tools, since only the tool-specific part needs
to be coded.
Since I don't know all of these newfangled tools, I'd like to take
the opportunity of using this new "real-life interaction" technology
Holger mentioned. If you could spare some of your time to come and
see me, explain how your tool of choice works and how best to
integrate it into a forge. Not much: repository creation, gathering
of basic commit stats on an existing repo, and configuring a repo
I usually hang aroud hacklab #1, but if I'm not on IRC feel free to
come and rescue me from alcoholism in the park or from going mad at a
Mao game.
Roland Mas
...sur un portable, quelque part dans le monde...
...on a laptop, somewhere in the world...
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