Re: [Debconf-discuss] Day Trip--preferences
On 20/07/09 at 16:28 +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Wookey writes ("Re: [Debconf-discuss] Day Trip--preferences"):
> > This seems to suggest that there is a host of outdoor activities
> > available in the area. Assuming we are primarily going to one spot for
> > swimming/walking might it be practical to do any of the other things
> > if we bring some kit (climbing, canyonning, caving are all mentioned -
> > my spanish wasn't good enough to work out if there were any
> > via-ferrata?). I expect it primarly depends on the exact location of
> > things.
> Having looked at this I these places are within a few tens of km of
> each other. The valley itself is perhaps 30-50km long. If the worst
> comes to the worst we can hire a car and drive a group there from
> Caceres.
> I think more detailed planning will have to involve local knowledge,
> locally obtainable maps (rather than going by's
> topographical), etc. but it looks feasible enough.
> > I'd be tempted to bring some climbing gear if there was some within
> > walking range (and someone else wants to play).
> I really only have the kit you need for indoor climbing (not even a
> rope, although one is on my wishlist...) Does anyone here have
> suitable outdoor gear (a rope or two, and nuts and so forth) ?
> If someone does and says they will bring it, I will bring what I do
> have: a harness, boots (UK size 8.5 IIRC), belay device, and a spare
> carabiner and a sling.
> I will be doing my packing tomorrow night so I need an affirmative by
> then.
Technically, I could, but has it been confirmed that it will be possible
to do some climbing? All this is quite heavy, so I would prefer not to
take it for nothing.
| Lucas Nussbaum
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