Re: [Debconf-discuss] Day Trip--preferences
+++ Anto Recio [2009-06-30 10:42 +0200]:
> hi folks
> Choose your preferences for day Trip
> Valle del Jerte
> one of the most beatiful places in Extremadura , natural pool, nice
> weather (5 degrees less than caceres) 120 KM
This seems to suggest that there is a host of outdoor activities
available in the area. Assuming we are primarily going to one spot for
swimming/walking might it be practical to do any of the other things
if we bring some kit (climbing, canyonning, caving are all mentioned -
my spanish wasn't good enough to work out if there were any
via-ferrata?). I expect it primarly depends on the exact location of
I'd be tempted to bring some climbing gear if there was some within
walking range (and someone else wants to play).
Principal hats: iEndian - Balloonboard - Toby Churchill - Emdebian
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