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Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] Regarding the bus connection from EZE to MDQ

Quoting Margarita Manterola (marga@debian.org):

> The company that provides buses connecting EZE and MDQ is called "Manuel
> Tienda Leon", they have 8 frequencies per day, and for the days when few
> people arrive, this is fine.  However, for the days where most people

For the 8th, this is not fine. I've got an answer from their
reservation people that all their busses from 12:30 to 18:30 are
full. They could only offer me a seat in the 21:30 bus.

> So, here's an example mail for you to send.  If you haven't reserved your
> place yet, please send this mail (filling in your data) to
> reservas@tiendaleonmdq.com ASAP.

Please note that this address can also be mailed in English
apparently. I sent an English mal stating that while I can read
Spanish, I can't write it and I got an answer in English.

Marga, you may also point people to the alternative of getting a bus
at El Retiro, which was pointed to me yesterday, briefly, on IRC.

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