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Re: Use of invoke-rc.d as admin is bad (Was: Help with wireless)

also sprach Jonas Smedegaard <dr@jones.dk> [2005.07.10.2338 +0300]:
> I am not quite sure I understand. I assume that it is then no
> better to directly use "/etc/init.d/jabber stop" instead, right?

No, it's worse. invoke-rc.d does nothing but call the init.d
scriptm, but only under certain circumstances. There are times when
it just does not do anything and could thus be confusing.

> What should then be used instead? Reading the init.d script to
> understand what was in fact started, and then shutdown/kill each
> daemon by other means?

No, just call the init.d script directly.

> >>And file-rc providing bash-completion for that command should be
> >>filed as a bug?
> > 
> > Probably. :)
> Could you please do that? As I do not understand the issue raised
> I am unable to help explain it to others as well.


martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
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