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Re: ANN: Worlds 1st Linux Ball/Dance/Milonga (Tango/Salsa/Swing)

On Wed, 13 Jul 2005, Joshua Kwan wrote:

W. Borgert wrote:
This evening we will have the - to my knowledge - first Linux ball.
Wolgang - this sucks!

We will dance after the Sauna (around 20:00) in the Smokki
Hacquarium (the glass room behind the hacking centre), if we don't
interfere with a BoF.
I just overheard Wolfgang discussing it in the sauna with random people
to shift this to a different day (I did not waitet for a final discussion).

There is no BoF interfering, but more importantly there is no debacle
here and no dance, as of 20:05 :)

Did you mean tomorrow? (7/14)
Certainly not because tomorrow is the social dinner lasting until 12:00.

So there are obviousely interested dancers you fucked up with an announcement
you just dropped.  So either cancel it where you announced it or just go
for it.  If you disturb people this way, nobody will come in the future.

Kind regards



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