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books update


Lots of people have been asking about my book[0], so here's an
update of the situation. I did order 40 books to be delivered to
debconf on Monday. Unfortunately, they have not yet arrived. I am
(hoping to) expect(ing) them tomorrow.

0. http://debiansystem.info

The book sells for 44,90 EUR in stores. Depending on the final sum
on the bill (after shipping and any possible taxes), I am looking at
selling them at a price between 35 and 40 EUR (without profit). You
are, of course, welcome to pay more -- any additional money will go
back to Debian. I cannot write an invoice since I am theoretically
not allowed to sell them for cheaper, but I am absolutely willing to
do so for people at debconf.

I will announce the availability of the book here. So far, about 25
books have been spoken for, so if you would like to reserve a copy,
let me know. I will allow for a reserved copies to be picked up
within a day (maybe two) and sell the others on a first-come,
first-served basis. Reserved books not picked up will be available
to other interested people after the one (or two) days.

There exists no electronic version of the text, nor do we have an
open licence. I apologise for this but there are good reasons. While
it should not be taken as a promise of any kind, I am trying to get
my publisher to agree to release this edition under a free licence
as soon as the second edition is published (likely together with

Thanks for your patience. Please do not reply to the list to keep
the noise down.

 .''`.     martin f. krafft <madduck@debian.org>
: :'  :    proud Debian developer and author: http://debiansystem.info
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
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