Re: don't bring your APs to HEL
* Moray Allan ( [050629 13:48]:
> On Wed, 2005-06-29 at 10:43 +0200, Henning Sprang wrote:
> > I'll get hit by that, too.
> And me, and I'm sure a significant proportion of people who are keeping
> quiet or not reading the list.
> If WPA goes ahead there had better be a *lot* of wired network ports
> around the place for all of us who are affected.
sorry, we dont make the rules. We have been struggeling to get
wireless in the first place.
to solve the problem, you can bring a LONG cable to start with,
since it will be crowded around the switch. Alternatively you can
work disconnected as i find it productive (less distractions). Or
buy a g card. I have a Atheros card and that works just fine. or
ask for people to bring you a g card.
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