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Re: tunes from your area

* martin f krafft (madduck@madduck.net) [050620 13:59]:
> also sprach Holger Levsen <debian@layer-acht.org> [2005.06.20.1327 +0200]:
> > At least in germany (and lots of other european countries, don't
> > know about the situation elsewhere) making copies for friends is
> > perfectly legal.

> I have contradictory information: there is no real law at the moment
> governing audio recordings, so they fall under the category of
> printed media. Here, the law states you may make up to seven copies
> for distribution to "close friends and family" from the original.
> This means that the "right" does not extend to the ones you pass
> a copy of a recording.

wrong. The number 7 is not part of the law.

Actually, the law just states that you can make private copies. There is
an exception for computer programs there. And, what private copies are
is in the end decided by court, if it goes there. Usually, sharing
copyrightable works with your spouse are private copies, whereas
publically distributing them to anybody on the internet is not.

| § 53 Vervielfältigungen zum privaten und sonstigen eigenen Gebrauch

| (1) Zulässig sind einzelne Vervielfältigungen eines Werkes durch eine
| natürliche Person zum privaten Gebrauch auf beliebigen Trägern, sofern
| sie weder unmittelbar noch mittelbar Erwerbszwecken dienen, soweit nicht
| zur Vervielfältigung eine offensichtlich rechtswidrig hergestellte
| Vorlage verwendet wird. Der zur Vervielfältigung Befugte darf die
| Vervielfältigungsstücke auch durch einen anderen herstellen lassen,
| sofern dies unentgeltlich geschieht oder es sich um Vervielfältigungen
| auf Papier oder einem ähnlichen Träger mittels beliebiger
| photomechanischer Verfahren oder anderer Verfahren mit ähnlicher Wirkung
| handelt.

Courts usually make the distinction whether you meet other people mainly
for sharing works (which makes them to be non-private relations), or
whether you meet people for some other reason, and by chance you also
share works. Just remember, it's perfectly legal if I bring some CD to
work and hand it over to my co-worker to copy them onto tapes. There is
no difference with giving him access to an mp3-file.

Of course, as debconf is not in Germany, the german laws are only of
limited interesst for things happening at debconf. But I want to prevent
spreading unfounded rumours about german laws.


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