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Re: tunes from your area

also sprach Jaakko Niemi <liiwi@lonesom.pp.fi> [2005.06.14.0556 +0200]:
>  http://www.stupido.fi <- You can buy from there. They have
>  most locals and stuff from all over. They also deliver abroad,
>  should you not manage to visit them..

Yeah, but unless I had a chance to listen to an album maybe 5-10
times, I cannot decide whether I like it. Crap music usually never
makes it through the first spin; but I've encountered a lot of
albums which grew on me only after listening to them a bunch of
times. In those cases, I would have not bought them in the store;
I did buy them after having had access to the Oggs.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
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the only real advantage to punk music is
that nobody can whistle it.

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