Re: Embedded Debian workshop at Debconf
* Wookey <> [2005:06:07 20:34 +0100]:
> It was suggested to me at FOSDEM that an Embedded Debian workshop/demo at
> debconf would be a good idea. I agreed. At least a couple of people have
> decided to come on the basis that such a workshop will happen, so it's time
> for me to try and make sure it does.
> I can't really manage to be there all week (which is a pity as I am
> certainly going to miss some interesting and relevant stuff), so I am
> currently proposing doing this on the first 3-4 days. That is still flexible
> right now, but we need to fix a time soon, so if you are desparate to come
> but are only there the last 3 days then now is the time to say so.
I work in embedded systems (though we don't use Debian) so this sounds
*really* interesting to me. I'll also be there from the 9th to the 17th,
so whichever days work best for other people are fine with me, though
I'll probably be more of a hanger-on during the hackfest and such.
off the chain like a rebellious guanine nucleotide
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