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Minutes: IRC Meeting 2014-09-17

Sorry about the delay. Herewith, minutes!

 * Bernelle
 * Allison
 * Adrianna
 * Nattie
 * Martin
 * Stefano
 * Graham

=== Bid Timeline ===
Bid is due on 1 Dec. We don't know exactly how far along we need to be,
but we think we should be down to a primary venue.

=== Venue Contacts ===
We have a draft letter, http://whiteboard.debian.net/86b9cc.wb, to send
to potential venues. (This has since been further discussed on this

We think there should be a single person contacting venues. So,

ACTION: Bernelle will make initial venue contacts, and then we may
        delegate interested venues to other negotiators, for follow-up.

=== Venue reccie, post-pycon.za ===

Allison and Stefano will be in Cape Town, after pycon.za, on 6 & 7
October, so we will go and visit all the venues we are considering.

=== Initial budget, sponsor ideas ===

Allison is on the debconf sponsorship team, but we need local people to
get involved. All sponsorship negotiation must be run through the
sponsorship team, to avoid conflicts, and maintain sponsors across

ACTION: Bernelle will contact her Silicon Cape contacts to find us a
        sponsorship person.

ACTION: Bernelle will also try to get in contact with Georg Lerm and the
        ArduinoCT people. Possibly via Marc?

The budget is probably going to be on the order of ZAR 2 million, based
on previous DebConfs.

We should probably try to help DC15's airline partnership outreach.

Bernelle will try some early contact of potential sponsors, to find out
what their timelines for sponsorship applications, are.

=== Assignment of (hypothetical) medium- to long-term tasks ===

We aren't ready to start staffing up all the teams, yet. But need to
start recruiting the local team.


Full log:

Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272

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