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DebConf Daily Announcements (Monday)

Video Team Equipment

Please don't turn off video team equipment at the end of the day. The
streams run all night, and the video team will turn things on and off
when they need to.

Day Trip Registration

The deadline to register for day-trips is noon Tuesday (12:00 today by
the time you read this).

If you haven't signed up yet, please do this *now*.  If you're having
trouble with the wiki, please visit the front desk, who can sign you up.

Lunch on Thursday

If you choose the stay-on-site day trip option, you'll need to find your
own lunch on Thursday. Pizzeria Antalya will be closed.

Laundry reminder

For the continued olfactory safety and comfort of your fellow attendees,
a laundry service is provided.  Laundry bags are available at Front Desk
for you to fill.  Please drop them off at Front Desk by 14:30. 
Labelling instructions will be provided there.  If you wish, you may
share a laundry bag with your friends or dearest enemies.  

Side Gate 

Please respect the venue and don't jump the security fence, even if the
side gate is closed. The venue security saw you, and they will call the
police if they see it happen again.

The gate will be open from 8am to 11pm every day, which should help :)

Call for cheese volunteers

The cheese & wine party is happening Tuesday night (tonight, by the time
you read this). We need an army of cheese-cutting volunteers in the
afternoon, to make it happen. Please sign up at:

Group Photo

Some of you may have observed a Paparazzo roaming around the premises. 
Just as nearly every year, he will be organising the group photo.

The group photo will take place at 18:00 in front of Drini. DebConf
attire encouraged, shirts from previous or future editions, especially.

We also have a tradition of a group photo of attendee shirts from as
many previous DebConfs as possible. Sign up with the historical shirts
you have brought along ASAP:

Cheese and wine location
The cheese and wine party will happen at the "Autostrada", the shed at
map point 5, near the main entrance.

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