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[Debconf-announce] DebConf Announcements for 2016-07-04

DebConf Announcements for Monday, 2016-07-04

== Payments on campus today ==

If you haven't paid for your DebConf attendance, yet, you can at the
Front Desk today at 2:30pm. They'll have a credit card machine.

== Cheese and Wine Party: wiki, volunteers wanted, contributions ==

If you donated edible goods to the cheese and wine fund, please add them
to the wiki ASAP: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/CheeseWineBoF

We will need volunteers to help with preparation of the Cheese and Wine
Party, from 17:00 onwards, in the Super Cow Hacklab.

Tasks include cutting large amounts of cheese into tiny bits, labeling
said cheeses, cutting bread, opening bottles of all kinds of beverages
and labeling them, preparing other edibles, among others.

Please reach out to olasd during lunch or during the party if you want
to contribute to the cheese and wine fund!

== Daytrip sign up ==

Please sign up at https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/DayTrip/Signup.
Pick only one option. Please note the popular option to Cape Point now
has another bus available.

== Conference dinner ==

Please sign up to the bus times leaving to the conference dinner:

== DebConf18 in your City ==

If you enjoy this DebConf, are you interested in hosting DebConf18 in
your city? There will be a session on Friday afternoon, come and show us
your early plans!

See https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf18 for more information, and
don't hesitate to talk to organizers about your plans and ask them

Please contact OdyX <odyx@debconf.org> with your presentation in time
for Friday's presentation!

== Money owed for lunches ==

A couple of people have received food tickets on trust, but haven't paid
for them yet. Please go to the Front Desk and pay Lior for your meal ticket.

== Dance BoF ==

A dance session is being planned, contact Solveig in person or on IRC
for more details.

== Coffee cups at Menzies ==

The owner of the coffee machine has requested that the cups at the
vending machine only be used for beverage from the machine. We'll have
some extra cups at Front Desk soon if you need them.

Pollito says: Sorry chicken very busy with cheese and wine. Talk with
you again tomorrow.

Cow says: I could tell you a package manager joke, but that doesn't
really seem very apt right now.

-DebConf team

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