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[Debconf-announce] DebConf Announcements for 2016-07-03 (Day 1)

DebConf Announcements for Sunday, 2016-07-03

== Conference T-Shirts and Bags available ==

You can now pickup your conference shirts and bags at Front Desk. If you
are experiencing any problems with your bag, please bring it to the
front desk by Wednesday the latest, and we can get it fixed for you by
the end of the week.

== Super Cow Hacklab closed on Monday from 17:00 ==

In preparation for the Cheese and Wine party, the Super Cow hacklab will
be closed from 17:00 tomorrow Monday.

== Cheese and Wine Party ==

The Cheese and Wine Party will happen on Monday, starting at 20:30, in
the Super Cow Hacklab. Everybody is invited, whether you could bring
anything or not. We will also have non-alcoholic beverages as well as
non-cheesy edibles, so feel free to come and socialize!

Please bring your edible donations to olasd (Nicolas Dandrimont, +27 81
732 5975) during dinner today (Sunday), or during breakfast or lunch
tomorrow (Monday), so that they can be refrigerated until the party.

Please bring your liquid donations during breakfast or lunch on Monday.

Because of the difficulty of importing Cheese into South Africa, we're
going to do a cheese, wine and everything else (bread, cutlery, ...) run
on Monday afternoon, to adjust quantities according to what people
brought. If you couldn't contribute with edible products, and if you can
afford it, we welcome money donations directly to the cheese team.
Surplus will be redirected to DebConf.

== Technical Directions for Speakers ==

If you are giving a talk during DebConf, here are a few things you can
do to make video team's life (and yours) easier:

* Please arrive early for you talk. We _will_ want to test your laptop
and make some sound tests

*  It is a _very_ good idea to have your presentation on a USB stick. In
 case your laptop does not work, we will be able to supply you with
another one

* Make sure you screen resolution is on 720p (or 1024x 768 if you only
have a VGA plug). We can accept HDMI, miniHDMI, microHDMI, DP, miniDP,
or VGA connectors

* Slides - the video streams are compressed.  Try keep text big and try
not to have too much on each slide :-)

== Submitting Slides ==

Speakers,  please submit your slides by mailing your slidedeck to
<content@debconf.org> so we can upload them and link them in the
respective talk pages.

If you are familiar with git-annex, you can alternatively follow the
directions at https://annex.debconf.org/debconf-share/README and upload
them to https://annex.debconf.org/debconf-share/debconf16/slides/ yourself.

== Lunch and Dinner Seconds ==

At  lunch and dinner, you can choose one of the two omnivore or
vegetarian  options according to your badge. If you are still hungry
afterwards, you  can go for seconds.

== Some toiletries available at front desk ==

@purpleidea had brought along some tooth brushes, toothpaste, shower
gel, moisterisers, etc. There may still be some available at front desk.
Query front desk for more details.

== Debian stickers for sale ==

Small (6cm diameter) and large (20cm diameter) stickers,
each in black, white and transparent background, circular. Find indiebio.

Small: R20
Large: R50

-DebConf16 Team

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