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[Debconf-announce] Final Call for DebConf15 Proposals

Call for Proposals Deadline

The deadline for submitting proposals is approaching, with only 12 days
left to submit your event by June 15th. Events submitted after that date
might not be part of the official DebConf schedule.

We are very excited about the upcoming conference, and we would like to
encourage you to send your proposals. It's an important part of the
conference to hear and discuss new ideas. If you have something that
you'd like to present but you have not submitted your event yet, please
don't wait until the last minute! Check out the proposal submission
guide at http://debconf15.debconf.org/proposals.xhtml and submit your

If you have already submitted your event, do take this opportunity to
login to summit and review it, expanding the event description to be
more descriptive and appealing to the attendees if necessary.

Second Batch of Approved talks

We are happy to announce the following talks that are already approved:

 - What's new in the Linux kernel (Ben Hutchings)
 - PPAs - what's next? (Neil McGovern)
 - Let's get ready to Go (Margarita Manterola)
 - Debian dependency resolution in polynomial time (Niels Thykier)
 - A vision of backups in Debian (Lars Wirzenius)

Please hurry up and share your ideas with us. Propose your event before
the deadline is reached.

Looking forward to see you on Heidelberg, 

Michael Banck, on behalf of the DebConf content team

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