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[Debconf-announce] Playing Assassins in Oaxtapec -- deadline extended

Dear Debconf participants,

at this year's Debconf in Oaxtapec, I am organising a game of


So far, a bunch of people have signed up, but you can't ever be
enough for this game. Thus, to encourage more to sign up, we have
extended the signup deadline until Friday, midnight UTC time.

The game is great fun, and an event like Debconf a perfect setting
for it. Moreover, you have to commit no more time than you want, so
it's no burden.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to join the game once it started
(but you can leave the game at any time simply by not doing
anything). Therefore, please consider signing up by adding your name
to the table at the bottom of the wiki page:


Don't let yourself get into the situation that you cannot play when
everyone else is having loads of fun! :)


 .''`.     martin f. krafft <madduck@debian.org>
: :'  :    proud Debian developer and author: http://debiansystem.info
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
"when a gentoo admin tells me that the KISS principle is good for
 'busy sysadmins', and that it's not an evolutionary step backwards,
 i wonder whether their tape is already running backwards."

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