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Re: vd+rw-tools 7.1, Blu-Ray, and INVALID FIELD IN CDB on session close


> But what does it mean for the close session
> command to have aborted?

Andy Polyakov states in
that it is a harmless bug.

It was under suspicion in another case, but
that might have been mere coincidence.
After all the CLOSE SESSION error happens
unconditionally together with any other problem.

> Are there any mastering frontends that use
> xorriso on the backend?

None that i know of.
xfburn uses the same libburn as xorriso. But i
do not know whether it already had encounters
with BD media.
Afaik, Brasero uses libburn for CD but growisofs
for DVD.

Be aware that multi-session BD-R might be more
easy to use after being burned by growisofs
rather than by libburn.
This is not an issue if you only record a
single session per media.

By pseudo-overwriting (POW) the first blocks of
the media, growisofs points even very outdated
operating systems to the newest session.

Without POW one might have to tell the OS
where the desired session starts.
dvd+rw-mediainfo or xorriso -toc can find out.
If the OS is even too dumb for making use of
that info, then you need xorriso to copy the
newer files to disk.

On a smart OS, i deem the libburn method better
because growisofs makes inaccessible the
directory tree of the first session when adding
the second session (with new complete tree).
I plan to combine the advantages of both methods.
(If only BD-R media weren't so expensive.)


It seems our mail providers will never become
friends. Mine insists in not accepting empty
sender address '<>' and yours insists in not
playing with such one:

At least a million germans use GMX.

Have a nice day :)


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