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Re: Stop hald probing of certain devices (was: cdrecord floating point exception)

Just as a side remark, it seems not all distributors are happy with hal either, see for instance Johannes Meixner's comment in the Novell bugzilla at <https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=438867#c23>:

"Why the hell is this HAL stuff always all the time changing
arbitrarily so that there are regression bugs so that
this HAL stuff always all the time fails arbitrarily
and then the HAL failures are always all the time
re-assigned back to me so that I must work around
all this ever-changing HAL mess?

Why can this HALL mess not just work stable and reliably?"

So Thomas's earlier statement he has no interest in using unstable APIs seems justified...

Matthias Andree

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