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same Rock Ridge name

Dear Folks,

I tried the following:

growisofs -Z /dev/scd0 -J -R 19* 2000_0[1-6]_*

where we have
find 19* 2000_0[1-6]_* | wc -l
ls -d 19* 2000_0[1-6]_* | wc -l

However, the output of growisofs failed with many messages like:
mkisofs: Error: '2000_02_28/vh40.png' and '2000_02_26/vh40.png' have
the same Rock Ridge name 'vh40.png'.

I tried various combinations of arguments to growisofs, and could only
eliminate the error by removing the -R and -J options.  For example,
with the options:
growisofs -Z /dev/scd0 -J -D -d 19* 2000_0[1-6]_*

there were many error messages along the lines of:
mkisofs: Error: 2000_05_08/p0007830-thumb.jpg and
2000_05_07/p0007830-thumb.jpg have the same Joliet name

When I did:
growisofs -Z /dev/scd0 -D -d 19* 2000_0[1-6]_*
the burn actually succeeded, but I wound up with a large, flat
directory containing (I guess) 60359 files, with all file names
mangled to a DOS-like 8.3 naming format.

Hmm, any suggestions on how to cope with this?  Or is this just too
many files?

Ideally I would like to end up with a filesystem that can be read on
Windows machines as well as on Linux.
Nick Urbanik   RHCE                               nicku(at)vtc.edu.hk
Proud member of the Dept. of Information & Communications Technology,
Home of Visual Paradigm: Jolt Productivity Award winner, programmed
by our own graduates!      Tel: (852) 2436 8576  Fax: (852) 2436 8526
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