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Re: XCDRoast (was: Re: plextor px-708uf: cannot get disk type)

On Sat 17 January 2004 15:19, j_post wrote:
> On Saturday 17 January 2004 04:39 am, Joerg Schilling wrote:
> > People who used Xcdroast once, mostly don't like to use other
> > GUIs anymore.
> Is that because Xcdroast is somehow "better" than the other GUIs,
> or just because people tend to think "it works, so why bother
> with anything else"?

In my case, it was "Huh? Okay, I'll use the command line, that's 
probably easier to learn" which I subsequently did for a while. 
Then I found K3B, and although I was a bit afraid that it might be 
as bad as Xcdroast, I tried it anyway, and found it very intuitive. 
I now use either K3B or the command line, rather randomly.

I think Xcdroast is nice if you (want to) know what happens when you 
burn a CD, ie creating an image and burning it in a specific way. 
If you're just an end user who wants to put his latest digital 
photos on a CD for mum and don't care how or what then I recommend 
using something else.

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