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Re: cdrecord and scsi-3 compliance

> >...if one would project SCSI-3 on ISO 7 layer networking
> >model and put command block at transport layer, LUN addressing would end
> >up at network, if not link layer.
> True for good old SCSI, not true for ATAPI drives.

??? I don't understand the point with this remark... Do you suggest to
keep providing for LUN addressing for ATAPI-connected MMC unit, because
IDE doesn't provide for finer addressing method? The whole point is that
it holds true for *all* MMC devices regargless how there're connected,
be it SCSI-3, ATAPI, USB or something else. LUN addressing is removed
from CDB to lower communication layer and therefore is not application's
concern. Period! Meaning that when talking to an MMC unit application
may not use bits used to be LUN in CDB for LUN, even *if* underlying
transport, IDE in this example, does not provide for finer addressing.

> >As for disc changing units. MMC specification provides for this through
> >MECHANISM STATUS(BDh) and "slotted" LOAD/UNLOAD MEDIA(A6h) commands.
> >Media is changed explicitly by issueing latter command. A.
> I've never seen any drive that supports this

Relevant question is if anybody has seen a unit using LUN bits in CDB to
switch media *and* claiming MMC/SCSI-3 compliance.

> and I did not yet see an OS
> where it seems that this is supported.

I don't know about NT4, but NT5 (a.k.a. W2K and later) does support MMC
changers through the mentioned commands. And so does Linux. A.

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