Re: growisofs: failed to change write speed
Strange device string for a burner.
Right. According to Toshiba web site SD-R5112 is DVD-ROM player/CD
recorder combo, not a DVD recorder! dvd+rw-mediainfo is expected to be
collected in recorder unit. A.
thanks for your response. Nevertheless I am not shure what you're trying
to say. Does this mean that I recorded all my DVDs with a DVD-ROM ;-) ?
No, I was trying to say that it appeared to me that you've collected
dvd+rw-mediainfo output from non-recorder unit. But apparently I felt
victim to own carelessness, as I mixed up 1512 and 5112. I apologize:-)
As already mentioned in my original post, burning 1x works, 4x works
with e.g. Verbatim Data Life Plus 4x.
??? I can't see any of this in originating post. The original report
sounds rather like *all* media fails upon startup *even* without -speed
As I cannot buy DLP 4x here any
more, I tried 8x, and Sony 4x. Neither of these can be burned other
than 1x.
This sounds pretty much like poorly supported particular media
brand/product by your unit firmware, which is common for newly
introduced media products.
Nero 6 can burn all these media 4x (I tested my DVD-R Recorder (!) in an
other PC, so it's not a FW problem).
Is it plausible that instead of "racing" media manufacturers with
firmware updates, Toshiba has chosen to partnership with e.g. Nero and
probide them with some magic tables, which can be uploaded prior
recording and improve media support? You can try to ask Toshiba, but
don't hold your breath...
Is there any way to tell / force growisofs to burn these media 4x?
Not really. As Volker pointed out, growisofs picks among velocities
offered by firmware, which is proven to work with wide range of units.
Your report still appear like poor media support and the best option is
probably let firmware pick velocity by not specifying -speed. BTW, in
your original report one can see "Failed to change write speed:
2822->5400," but one can't observe 2822 anywhere in dvd+rw-mediainfo
output. What's that? Can you submit 'dvd+rw-mediainfo /dev/dvd verbose'
output instead? A.
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