Mirco Lorenzoni wrote:
The interesting thing is that 'addir' I use to write my multisession backups doesn't ever close the CD, and I have had zero problems on Linux, both 2.6.9 or 2.4.17 and 2.4.24. However, I do a -pad at the end of every session, which may or may nor have any meaning in this case, never tried without it.Hi, I have written a multisession data DVD+R with Nero Burning ROM 6.3. Then I haven't added any more session and I have closed the disc with Pinnacle Instant CD/DVD 8 OEM. The content of this disc is accessible without any problem under Windows 2000. Under Linux, when I try to mount the disc with 'mount /dev/writer /mnt/writer/', I get this error: mount: block device /dev/writer is write-protected, mounting read-only mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/writer, or too many mounted file systems I (obviously) obtain the same error when i try to use it in my dvd-rom. The strangest thing is that I can mount (and then access as usual) this disc with 'mount -oloop /dev/writer /mnt/writer' Have you got any idea about this behaviour? Is it possible to make the disc 'normally' (without '-oloop') mountable again? Before you ask, addir is sort of like growisofs, but for CDs, and does some interesting things which make it very useful for doing backups of many small sessions, such as daily incremental dumps, etc. -- bill davidsen <davidsen@tmr.com> CTO TMR Associates, Inc Doing interesting things with small computers since 1979 |