[no subject]
Hey guys,
That's an interesting problem and I had that when I wanted to create
differential backups on suse9.1.
All software used was self compiled and not the one provided by suse.
In Suse9.0 I could work it perfectly and there was absolutely no problem
but with Suse9.1 and now Suse9.2 I don't get it to run.
That said, I tried to figure out what has changed between those releases
and I have a guess that it might be related to the reiser filesystem.
That of course does not explain why paolo has the same problem but maybe
he uses also the reiserfs...
Paolo, if you get rid of the '-quiet' and add a '-v' into your growisofs
command then you will see exactly in which file the program hangs.
I already did several tests and it stops on my system always somewhere
else and that's why I think it might be the filesystem. It works for me
perfectly with the same data when used on an older reiserfs release.
What do you guys think, silly assumption or is there something on it?
Now I try to burn a subsequent session in incremental mode:
#growisofs -M /dev/hdd -root backup-2004-10-22-10:43 -old-root
backup-2004-10-22-10:36 -quiet -R -D -exclude-list /tmp/backup.exclude
-graft-points home/nason=home/nason
Executing 'mkisofs -C 16,407824 -M /dev/fd/3 -root
backup-2004-10-22-10:43 -old-root backup-2004-10-22-10:36 -quiet -R -D
-exclude-list /tmp/backup.exclude -graft-points home/nason=home/nason |
builtin_dd of=/dev/hdd obs=32k seek=25489'
Rock Ridge signatures found
At this point the dvd burner lights up for a while then stops.
Nothing happens. Using top I can see that mkisofs is using
all the cpu available. I have to kill the process.
If I do the same with a small test directory, the same procedure
works. With my home directory (800Mb) it hangs.
I compiled mkisofs with a debug option, and ran under the debugger
the command (is this right? I took it from the growisofs output,
substituting /dev/fd/3 with /dev/hdd ):
#mkisofs -C 16,407824 -M /dev/hdd -root backup-2004-10-22-10:43
-old-root backup-2004-10-22-10:36 -quiet -R -D -exclude-list
/tmp/backup.exclude -graft-points home/nason=home/nason
The program runs an infinite loop in multi.c:545,
while (len >= 4) {
It's pure mkisofs problem. In other words it has anything to do whether or
not you use ide-scsi, what is your kernel version nor which brand is your
recorder unit. It has everything to do with your home directory structure..
You can try narrow the problem by temporarily moving subdirectories out of
your home directory to identify which one causes trouble, then step down
that directory and apply same procedure (temporarily move out subdirs
elsewhere on same device)... A.
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