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Afew words about POSIX and mkisofs

A few things occur to me about the idea of changing the meaning of -L in mkisofs:
1 - mkisofs is not part of the SuS
2 - there are many existing exceptions, the most common being the meaning of -L in cc 3 - this change would break scripts and programs which generate calls to mkisofs, potentially thousands of uses. Worse yet, there will be no compatible subset of commands which does the right thing on "old" and "new" implementations. 4 - Joerg is already unhappy about getting complaints about forked versions which ship with many distributions, this is bound to generate more as things break. And it will probably generate yet more forks.

Suggestion: keep the old command set as default and provide an option to switch to POSIX compliant behavior if anyone but Joerg cares to use it. Something like -use-posix-options comes to mind. Other solutions would involve a config in /etc, an environment variable, or almost anything
a - which could be changed in one place
b - would be ignored by traditional versions on mkisofs
c - which would continue use of the traditional options

This is a far large issue than DVD support, since it is incompatible and provides a lot of motivation for a fork. I really hope it can be addressed in some widely satisfactory way.

bill davidsen <davidsen@tmr.com>
 CTO TMR Associates, Inc
 Doing interesting things with small computers since 1979

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