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Re: cdrecord fails with SCSI burner

me > >if i had the problem which you report i would try
> >to compile successively older versions of cdrtools/cdrecord
> >and look wether the problem persists.

Joerg > Nothing in cdrecord did change that could cause problems with 
> old drives in new versions.

Something obviously has changed with the system as a whole.
Main suspect, of course, is the newly installed OS and its
cdrecord binary. But i understand that Volker tried your DVD
enabled binary and still experiences the problem.

So the next step would be to compile a recent source version
of cdrtools and try wether this helps. If so : fine.

If a recent version of cdrecord does not work for him, i 
advise him to make sure that the version which he used with his
old system fails on his new system, too. (the 1.6 proposal was
rather a joke ... but it would match the hardware's age)

If the failure persists - as you predict - then one could probably
ask for background information about the warnings which he reported
at the end of his original message.

That was the idea behind my above advice.

Have a nice day :)


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