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Re: remove the pointless delay

> >Not a good answer. Using gracetime=0 still enforces a minimum of two
> >seconds. The docs don't mention this fact (is that a bug by omission?).
> >Any chance of a change Jörg? When I say 0, then generally I mean 0, not
> >2.

> -	The crive needs far more than 2 seconds to initialze.

Ok. The user doesn't know this.

> -	2 seconds is far less than 1% of the total time.

Good point.

> -	If the time is reduced, cdrecord will no longer work
> 	properly with respect to all supported funtionality.

The user doesn't know this. At a guess, nobody other than you does.

> It is definitely not the first time that I answer this question:

Now I could wonder whether you're making a fool of yourself.
Considering the frequency with which you post "RTFM" style replies, I
would have expected to read in the man page for gracetime= "... the
minimum is 2 seconds because ...". It's not there, I checked before I
posted. If users repeatedly bring up this issue then that simply is a
sign that the useability of the software should be improved. For
example, calling the first 2 seconds "waiting for drive to initialise"
and then starting with a minimum of 0 would have made things clear.
Coding the latter would have taken you less time then bitching about
having to answer the same thing repeatedly. Friendlier and more
productive too.


Volker Kuhlmann			is possibly list0570 with the domain in header
http://volker.dnsalias.net/		Please do not CC list postings to me.

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