Re: cdrecord problems with TDK 440n DVD+/-rw
> Looks like you have another unfriendly application running that
> tries simultanous access to the drive :-(
> Jrg
Ok, I tried exiting out of all programs I could (stopping just about
every service, getting out of X, etc.) ps -A shows only pretty minimal
processes running, though I can show the list if you want. I also tried
umounting and rmmoding supermount, lsof | grep cdrom doesn't show
anything, but I'm still having this problem. There's a couple minutes
of hang time before cdrecord: faio_wait_on_buffer for writer timed out.
finally shows up, any other ideas? btw, this is an smp system just in
case that ends up mattering... -Dan
-Dan "OverrideX"-
ICQ: 7171522
AIM: OverrideX
Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around us in
awareness. -- James Thurber
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