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Backup plain files to DVD

Dear Folks,

I read with interest posts by Tony Caola:
http://lists.debian.org/cdwrite/2003/09/msg00013.html and Volker
Kuhlmann http://lists.debian.org/cdwrite/2003/09/msg00014.html under
the subject "Making UDF DVD+RW backups".  Eagerly I examined Volker's
interesting and useful shell scripts writecd, cp-sort and cp-ext2 at

However, they still do not seem to quite cover my aim, which is
possibly not unique.

AIM: a reliable program that, given a directory name, will back up all
     the files in the directory to DVDs, preferably being able to back
     them up in a sorted order, as just plain files, possibly in an
     ext2 file system, prompting me to change the DVDs as each is
     filled up.

QUESTION: Before I start writing this (in Perl), is there anyone who
     has done this?

I need to back up 160GB data, and would prefer to have a simple
filesystem that I can browse easily (particularly a web site of
photos).  I wrote a messy couple of scripts a few years ago that did
this sort of thing with CD-R; I might clean them up (with a fire hose!
:-) and press them into service again.  I am looking to use free (as
in freedom) software rather than proprietary.

I am new to DVD writing and will probably use growisofs.
Nick Urbanik   RHCE                               nicku(at)vtc.edu.hk
Proud member of the Dept. of Information & Communications Technology,
Home of Visual Paradigm: Jolt Productivity Award winner, programmed
by our own graduates!      Tel: (852) 2436 8576  Fax: (852) 2436 8526
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