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Bug#216933: full backtrace

On Sun, Oct 26, 2003 at 06:20:28PM -0500, Joey Hess wrote:
> Breakpoint 9, 0x402bd9b6 in exit () from /lib/libc.so.6
> (gdb) bt
> #0  0x402bd9b6 in exit () from /lib/libc.so.6
> #1  0x40200beb in _XDefaultError (dpy=0x1, event=0x1) at XlibInt.c:2846
> #2  0x40200ce4 in _XError (dpy=0x8054328, rep=0xbffff390) at XlibInt.c:2898
> #3  0x401ff243 in _XReply (dpy=0x8054328, rep=0xbffff390, extra=0, discard=1)
>     at XlibInt.c:1787
> #4  0x401fa4d4 in XSync (dpy=0x8054328, discard=0) at Sync.c:45
> #5  0x401fa595 in _XSyncFunction (dpy=0x1) at Synchro.c:34
> #6  0x401de485 in XChangeProperty (dpy=0x8054328, w=1, property=1, type=1,
>     format=1, mode=1, data=0xbffff450 "\b\002", nelements=18) at ChProp.c:104

Thanks for the backtrace!  I have a question and a request:

1) Were you running the X client with the -sync option?

2) When you get the opportunity, can you provide a backtrace with the
   local variables included?  "bt full" will do this.  I don't see any
   obvious null pointers in the argument list to XChangeProperty(), so
   perhaps the problem is inside the function body.

G. Branden Robinson                |    Ambition: an overmastering desire
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    to be vilified by enemies while
branden@debian.org                 |    living and ridiculed by friends
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |    when dead.        -- Ambrose Bierce

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