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Bug#165619: xserver-xfree86: Xserver crashes and blocks all VTs while ssh works

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 20 Oct 2002 165619@bugs.debian.org wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 20, 2002 at 08:53:32PM +0200, Jan Korger wrote:
> > X hangs (does not respond the mouse clicks or keyboard input, you can
> > still move the mouse pointer for some time). If you try to change to a
> > VT, you see the X screen with some errors (like black bar on top) and
> > no mouse pointer. Entering CR sometimes moves the whole screen to the
> > left by about (very roughly guessing) 1" or 100px.
> Are you doing anything in particular when the X server locks up?
> Do problems only happen after your first attempt to VT switch away from
> the X VT?

It happend once on trying to switch to VT, once while I was away from the
machine (no screensaver seemed to be running). Normally I can switch to
VTs and use any application without crashing X.

> [...]
> Please send this bug a copy of the
> logfile immediately after you experience this problem.
> [...]
> Do the XFree86 packages in Debian unstable work any better?  They
> feature a newer upstream version of XFree86 (4.2.1 versus your

I didn't check. I can't reproduce the crash and it doesn't occur very
frequently. So that's kind of hard to tell.

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: pgpenvelope 2.10.2 - http://pgpenvelope.sourceforge.net/


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