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Bug#165619: xserver-xfree86: Xserver crashes and blocks all VTs while ssh works

On Sun, Oct 20, 2002 at 08:53:32PM +0200, Jan Korger wrote:
> X hangs (does not respond the mouse clicks or keyboard input, you can
> still move the mouse pointer for some time). If you try to change to a
> VT, you see the X screen with some errors (like black bar on top) and
> no mouse pointer. Entering CR sometimes moves the whole screen to the
> left by about (very roughly guessing) 1" or 100px.

Are you doing anything in particular when the X server locks up?

Do problems only happen after your first attempt to VT switch away from
the X VT?

> Accessing the host via ssh works. No X related process (like startx,
> xinit or the server itself) seems to be running except for 'xfs'.
> Killing xfs does not help. Looking at the virtual console 'startx' was
> executed on via GNU screen reads 'xinit: Connection to Xserver
> broken'.

Yes, then the X server exited.  Please send this bug a copy of the
logfile immediately after you experience this problem.

You can preserve the logfile by, after the crash, starting the X server
with a different display number:

startx -- :1

> I guess the Xserver fails to tell the graphics adapter to go back into
> text mode (BTW: I'm using the vga option in lilo to get VTs with 80x43
> chrs) on crashing and Ctrl-Alt-F1 doesn't do this as well.

> (--) PCI:*(1:0:0) ATI Mach64 LB rev 220, Mem @ 0xe4000000/24, 0xe6000000/12, I/O @ 0xd000/8

Do the XFree86 packages in Debian unstable work any better?  They
feature a newer upstream version of XFree86 (4.2.1 versus your

G. Branden Robinson                |     You could wire up a dead rat to a
Debian GNU/Linux                   |     DIMM socket and the PC BIOS memory
branden@debian.org                 |     test would pass it just fine.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |     -- Ethan Benson

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