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Re: Potential www redesign at www.deb.at

Don Armstrong <don@debian.org> writes:

> Rhonda and Kalle have been doing work to make Kalle's proposal
> reality, which you can view at http://www.deb.at. Presumably they'll
> fill us in on more details soon.

OK, some notes:

 (1) I like the logo proposed by Valessio Brito [1]. Removing GNU/Linux
     is a good idea, we are not only about Linux anymore, and I never
     was a big fan of GNU/ in every place. Yes, RMS will send the
     black helicopters soon.
     Anyway, that logo is nice, but I would keep just one big "Get
     it!"-Button in it. It's simple, it's in a prominent place and it
     simply looks good.

 (2) The navigation bar in the vertical center of the index page (or at
     the bottom of some of the other pages) seems weird. My flatmate
     commented this with "Woah, it looks like one of those ad boxes on
     domain squatter pages" - and I have to admit that I can understand
     Is there a reason not to put the (redesigned, as it is now) boxes
     as a nav bar on the left side? It may be old-school, but it doesn't
     look bad and it is easy to find.
     Also, the nav bar at the bottom makes the footer cover half a screen
     page on my monitor, and I don't think that 24" qualifies as a small

 (3) deb.at/devel/ is very hard to read. Definitely work needed, the old
     pages had boxes there, making it a lot easier to read.
     Coloring the borders in light grey might even do the job - no
     prominent change, but helps to keep the focus in one place.

 (4) deb.at/doc/user-manuals is also hard to read, and might need some
     optimization - not only for the layout, but I can't see why a page
     with user docs should have a links to and checkout instructions for
     the doc sources.

Anyway, the redesign looks great, and it works suprisingly well on most
of the pages I checked out. It's a great improvement over the
90ties-style of the current debian.org.


[1]  On http://valessiobrito.info/tmp/Debian-WWW.png

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