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Re: Remake of the website

<alex@difuzer.com> wrote:
> I just took a look to the list of things to do, and I want to suggest
> something that would make those changes easier to do. Why don't we remake
> all the website, starting from zero ? [...]

I'll assume that was a serious question and not trolling, but it looks
like a troll, or at least a failure to search the list archive.

Because there's a hell of a lot of information in that site, the
technical side of the build is pretty mature and most volunteer
project website reinventions that I've seen never reach the level of
the previous version (so much so that I try to avoid taking part in
such reinventions for a while now).  While the remake is happening,
that list of things to do would still be there and more tasks would be
building up.

If you've a transition plan that doesn't involve starting from zero
and has a better design, I'm sure many on this list will welcome it.

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