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Re: DebianEdu change notifications - Was: [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/CipUX/Meeting/20070604" by XavierOswald

[David Claughton]
> Just wondering - is there a reason why this list is subscribed to
> receive change notifications from the DebianEdu pages on the Wiki?

[Frans Pop]
> The debian-www list is really the wrong place to ask that question.
> For one, because the wiki is not managed by the debian-www team.
> And also because someone from the DebianEdu community must have
> thought it a good idea to subscribe to these changes, so it is also
> up to the DebianEdu community to change this.

I'm not sure what 'this list' refers to above, but as far as I know
the commits@skolelinux list is subscribed to all changes done in
Debian Edu, including source repositories and web page changes.

There are plans to split the commits list in two, one for web pages
and one for source changes, but it is not implemented yet.

The fact that debian-www is listed in the to header of all emails
originating from the Debian wiki obfusacte the real receiver, and I
suspect it is the reason of this request.

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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